The optimal location for automation fairs is where production sites and user industries are located. That's why we strategically position our SPS satellite events in places where providers of digital automation technology identify their growth markets and seek a professional presentation platform.
SPS worldwide
Do you already know about the satellite events of the SPS – in Italy, China, and the USA? If not, we invite you here to get an overview.
Now new: SPS Stage Bangkok at Automation Thailand in Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur
The SPS is breaking new ground. Discover our global events and learn more about our new Stage format – the SPS – Smart Production Solutions Stage Kuala Lumpur from 14 – 16 May 2025 and the SPS – Smart Production Solutions Stage Bangkok 2026.
New markets – new opportunities
The SPS – Smart Production Solutions Stage Bangkok offers a simple yet impactful way to reach new markets.
A combined lecture and demonstration area offers sponsors both exhibition space and a speaking slot on the forum. Experts will have the opportunity to present innovations in automation and digital solutions to an international audience.
The SPS Stage Kuala Lumpur is part of Intelligent Manufacturing, a conference-led event for companies looking to understand and leverage the digital transformation in manufacturing. Attendees will gain valuable insights from experts on smart factory solutions, predictive maintenance and more.
The SPS Stage Bangkok is part of the Automation Thailand, which covers five key areas: Industrial automation, robotics, inspection and measurement technology, digital factory, and warehouse & logistics automation.
Your contacts
For any questions regarding our events worldwide, our contacts are happy to assist you. Reach out to us for more information – we look forward to helping you!