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genua GmbH

Falling in Love with Security: Exploring the Concept of Rendezvous in Remote Maintenance

15 Nov 2023

In the era of Industry 4.0, secure remote maintenance is not just about technology - it is about a concept that is changing the approach to security in the networked industrial landscape. Look forward to an exploration of the conceptual framework of the Rendezvous concept in remote maintenance. Both fundamentally and in relation to established standards such as Namur NE135 and the BSI recommendations. Be inspired by governance as a means of conceptual security assurance. This presentation provides strategic insight and guidance for remote service users on the one hand and support service providers on the other. With real-life examples and a clear conceptual breakdown, this presentation aims to bring practical aspects to the fore. Learn how you can not only increase your efficiency using the concept of secure remote maintenance, but also integrate it seamlessly into your zero-trust concepts. A must for all those who want to actively shape the future of the industry.

Speaker: Steve Schoner (genua GmbH)