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ISW Institut für Steuerungstechnik der Werkzeugmaschinen und Fertigungseinrichtungen

From concept to reality: Realizing Software-defined Manufacturing (SDM) at the Stuttgarter Maschinenfabrik

16 Nov 2023

Software-defined manufacturing (SDM) makes production systems flexible and changeable. This is made possible by virtualization and technologies like digital twins, OPC UA, TSN, containerization, and more. In the large-scale project SDM4FZI, this is being researched with a large number of partners. The Stuttgarter Maschinenfabrik at the research institute ISW of the University of Stuttgart represents the first realization of this visionary idea. In this presentation, an introduction to SDM will be given and explained using application examples from the Stuttgarter Maschinenfabrik.

Speaker: Lars Klingel (ISW Universität Stuttgart)