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Grossenbacher Systeme AG

Your one-stop shop for innovation, development, and production

2 Nov 2023

Do you want to take your ambitious projects for automation products and (vertical) solutions to a whole new level? Our fully integrated project management service means we are your one-stop solution provider when it comes to innovation, the development of embedded hardware and software, IT-oriented software, and production. We see to it that your controller, gateway, or panel communicates successfully with your cloud solution or app. We also keep production costs in check and ensure that you get your product to market in good time – complete with integrated AI capabilities. Giving you the competitive edge that you need to succeed in the market.

Who are we? We are Grossenbacher Systeme and SABO Mobile IT.

We are two affiliated enterprises that have already attracted a huge customer base of medium-sized OEMs (original equipment manufacturers) in the DACH region (Germany, Austria, and Switzerland). Two innovative enterprises that have more than seventy developers at our joint disposal and operate production facilities at four locations in Germany, Switzerland, and the Czech Republic.

When you entrust us with your project, we bring the necessary resources from multiple locations together under a central project management structure. This saves you the time-consuming task of coordinating several different suppliers and you will see a real difference in terms of costs, quality, and energy.

You enjoy access to an extensive, proven modular system of hardware and software, without having to compromise when it comes to innovation and turning your ideas into reality.

Your software: the key factor for you and your customers

These days, the added value of a solution lies in its software. SABO Mobile IT offers customized software development for industrial applications that will really make you stand out from the crowd. 

SABO is an Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure partner and a specialist in UI/UX design and full-stack development for cloud solutions as well as machine learning. Together with rigorous quality management and transparent DevOps, we support you every step of the way. And it goes without saying that you retain all rights to the software.


“We have always been driven by a desire to produce successful innovations with emerging technologies,” explains CEO Thomas Sykora. “And this is how our GPT-supported natural-language understanding (NLU) system SABOT (Smart Assistant Bot) arose from a number of research projects.” SABOT allows you to operate your machines using your voice – in addition to the state-of-the-art HMI (human-machine interface) on the display. If you would like to meet SABOT and try talking to a machine, visit us at Booth 480 in Hall 7.

Smart hardware automation solutions – the key to your success

Whether you need a control, panel, gateway, or measurement technology, our experts use our extensive modular hardware and software system to develop and produce tailor-made automation products based on your requirements.

You enjoy access to panels, controllers, and Industrial IoT gateways based on an ARM architecture and an integrated Linux Yocto operating system as well as smart uC-based measurement technology. Whatever is expedient and economical for your product – Grossenbacher is always abreast of the latest technologies, references, and modular systems in control and display technology – with proven solutions that comply with industry standards.

Our Smart Panel is an all-in-one solution comprising a touch panel, visualization capabilities, and controller. Available in different installation types and sizes, with a container environment based on Linux Yocto, it offers a state-of-the-art software environment specifically designed for your application. We also offer a joint development option for system and application software.

We can also provide an alternative architecture that combines the Universal Controller with a web panel and an integrated browser: With this option, the Universal Controller comes as a rail-mounted box that forms the basis for your own PLC (programmable logic controller). It is equipped with power-fail management and non-volatile random-access memory (NVRAM) as well as an integrated Codesys runtime system – all in a container-oriented Yocto environment. Tailored to your form factor, fieldbuses, and interfaces, it can be produced and maintained in the long term, which is exactly what you need and expect from an industrial control. And it comes with cybersecurity as a bonus: The system software of the Universal Controller is already heavily based on the specifications of the IEC 62443 cybersecurity standards. When combined with your application software and personal Threat and Risk Analysis (TARA), the result is an IEC-certifiable controller that will hold its own in any tender process.

To round off the alternative architecture, Grossenbacher has a matching web panel, complete with integrated browser, which gets its content from the web-based visualization running in the relevant container on the Universal Controller. The web panel from Grossenbacher is based on the same modular system as the Smart Panel and can be combined “off-the-shelf” or customized to your requirements. With front installation, rear installation, or VESA mounting options, the web panel is the attractively designed “face” of your machine. You can also opt for a combination of both architectures.

For retrofit application or as an option: the IoT gateway

If you want to create or renew the data connection to your machine or to the field, Grossenbacher and SABO Mobile IT have a centrally project-managed vertical solution just for you. Featuring the tailor-made hardware of an IoT gateway and proven communication with the AWS or AZURE-based cloud solution, it allows you to leverage the new opportunities offered by AI.

The gateway builds on the proven core components of the Smart Panel and Universal Controller, which means that the production and maintenance of the product are guaranteed in the long term. It is supplemented by radio technologies such as LTE, CAT-M1, LoRaWAN(r) or even 450 MHz for critical infrastructure applications. And of course, the hardware and software has been designed with the requirements of IEC 62443 in mind.


Communication with the cloud takes place via proven MQTT protocols: The interaction between gateway and cloud calls for special mechanisms that can deal with the effects of wireless technology network management in a way that is appropriate for the application.

The cloud solution can be based on AWS or MS AZURE; your strategic choice will of course be considered. The experienced team at SABO Mobile IT successfully guides you from the initial specification workshop and UI/UX design activities through SCRUM-based development, to the launch and maintenance of your cloud solution. 

What if you have several devices in the field? How can you manage them all? Just trust your GUT!

The GUT (“Grossenbacher Update Tool”) is a field device management tool that is designed for use with any type of automation product, whether it is based on ARM or uC.

GUT is a cloud solution developed jointly by Grossenbacher and SABO Mobile IT that allows you to manage updates – either individually or in the context of a roll-out. It can help you manage anything from security patches to the distribution of new recipes or machine parameters. From downloading the latest PLC program or the latest container app for the IoT gateway. 


We can also integrate the configurators that are particularly relevant for your application. This means that you can also download new configuration parameters remotely for large installations in the field – for fieldbuses or LTE communication, for example. And this is all supported by update mechanisms that are legally required by the applicable cybersecurity directives and guidelines. It features key or token management that is merged with the Grossenbacher production environment for manufacturing your devices.

A long-standing partner for OEMs, Grossenbacher Systeme is synonymous with professionalism in technology, production, and lifecycle management. It also offers expertise in certification and regulatory frameworks to help customers navigate an increasingly complex industry and operational technology (OT) level.

SABO Mobile IT has been developing professional HMI and cloud solutions based on different technologies for OEMs in industry and medical technology since 2012 and provides long-term support for these customers. SABO’s experience with agile methods brings high-quality results at reasonable cost and with a precisely calculated time to market.

As a team, Grossenbacher Systeme and SABO Mobile IT are your one-stop provider, offering cross-location project management for your new automation products and system solutions.

Contact us: Grossenbacher Systeme AG 

The previous content is supported by our partners.